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Dear friends,

Welcome to the website of wuning hongda acrylic co., LTD., thank you for your great help and high trust in our company! The development and expansion of our company are full of the deep love and thoughtfulness of our friends. Here, sincerely thank you!

Wuning hong da acrylic co., LTD. Since its establishment, the overall development of a solid, the scale is also expanding, the company product quality and service attitude have been forged in the crucible of the market. We will, as always, invest more in science and technology, keep the honest faith and ensure the quality control of the entire production process.

Looking back, we are pleased to offer the quality products to the country's vast majority of users. Looking into the future, we will be more ambitious and more ambitious, and we will continue to climb the new peak of the development of the special art acrylic sheet. Wait staff only, I think the kindness in today which progresses by leaps and bounds of science and technology, with our diligence and wisdom of wuning hong da acrylic co., LTD to establish better, offer the high-quality goods for the user, add luster for the environment.

Finally, I would like to wish you all the best for your friends and your family.

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Economic and technological development zone of wuining county, jiujiang city, jiangxi province

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